Secure Sockets Layer (128-Bit SSL Security) uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to supply you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information, including passwords and MasterCard numbers, during your online transactions. All the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology, so your personal information stays safe and out of malicious hands.

What Payment Method Do You Accept?

-Payfast { Payfast South Africa }



All prices and figures are listed in R. Please read shipping policy for more information.

PCI Compliant

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that handle Mastercard and revolving credit information. Defined by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, the standard was created to increase controls around Mastercard data to reduce Mastercard fraud via its exposure.

Your Payment Information

Your card number isn’t accessible to us. When your purchase is completed, we are only able to see your billing information, shipping information, and order details. We have no information about your card or card details.

All payments are processed through Pay fast, a trusted third-party payment platform in South Africa. This secure mode begins when you initiate your order. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom or top of your web browser. Also, when accessing a secure server, the site address will show “HTTPS” in your browser.

We value your privacy and security. That’s why we don’t rent, sell, or share your personal information with anyone.

Contact Us:

Address: 1 Loch St, Meyerton, Gauteng, 1961, South Africa

Phone: +27 76 960 8471


Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am-6pm